Wednesday, March 07, 2007


jack bauer where are you?
i know i channeled your spirit a while back
but like dude
i have a problem or two

all of westmount either went broke or found another restaurant to go to
now i'm broke
wanna rob from the rich terrorists and hand it to the poor?
or force them all from their homes and into my restaurant by planting some bomb on the mountain?
(but don't kill anyone, they all have to be alive in the restaurant so they can tip me)

i have a test to do tomorrow
can you arrange to meet the ex-president with a sketchy past on the 4th floor of the hall building
then have a huge shoot-out so i don't have to write the test?

muchos appreciated, man.

oh and hows about you pitch to the guys over at 24 that you need a hot little sidekick
i would make a great secret service agent
and if i can't be one in real life, at least let me play one on tv
just like 5 episodes or so
you can even kill me off afterwards
no big deal
i won't hold it against you

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