Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Last night I donned my sexy leather boots.
I haven't worn heels in a while. Goddamn it feels good. It also feels good to call them "nutcrackers". Based on my lovely high-heeled experience, I have deemed that an investment in a collection of stiletto heels is necessary.
The only problem is, is that I'm clutzier than the average bear and while perched upon paper thin spikes, the merest speck of dirt might send me toppling over onto my face.
And nothing would detract from the power of heels like a broken nose and a black eye.
On another note, putting my entire collection of mp3's on random play is not an enjoyable listening experience at all. Bob Dylan is not meant to follow up Amon Tobin. I do enjoy a good disjointed track now and again, but a disjointed playlist? My inner DJ screams out in protest when two consecutive songs blend about as well as Jessica Simpson and Sophocles would.
And yes, my metaphors do need a bit of work. Or was that a simile? Shite. Where's my grade 9 English teacher when you need her?!
I hate LiveJournals. Stupid people putting what they are listening to or writing what their current mood is. Fuck that. And fuck blog quizzes too, while I'm at it.
Bad blogging trends need a good swift kick in the nuts. The kick, of course, would be provided by a hot pair of stilettos.


Anonymous said...

i think you are beautiful.....

Heather said...

you're funny....and I respect the fact that while doing some kicking in the nuts...you would be wearing hott stiletos

Heather said...

oh yeah...i found your blog while i was doing a google image search of "heroin chic"...don't ask...

seventhsprite said...

Heather: congratulations, you have won the prize for being the only person to find my blog via that picture that is not some sex-crazed man from some foreign country. Well you are from some foreign country but at least I think you are not a man.
Tom: Thanks Tom. I think I'm beautiful too. I also think that you are a little dumb. You put your email address in the website part. So now I can't stalk you. I slept with a guy named Tom from Ireland once. Are you the same Tom? Probably not. But if you know Tom, tell him to stop calling my parents' house. I don't live there anymore. Cheers.

JPS said...

Hi sweetheart,

I am a sex-crazed man from a foreign country, but please don't let that bother you. I just wanted to thank you for reading and commenting at my house, and complement you on the quick wit and enjoyable style at this blog.

But take it easy on the blow. That path is a dark one; I know from experience.

The Gas Guy.