Tuesday, March 01, 2005

i shoulda made like hunter s. and killed myself before the oscars
instead i hucked down to ottawa and it almost didn't let me leave
nothing scarier than being trapped in your hometown
on oscar night.

heroin chic in ottawa
heroin chic
nothin better to do

people ask me what i want to be when i grow up
when i tell them i want to be an actress
they all assume i want to be like julia roberts
i then have to explain that she is not an actress
and that even at age twenty i am better than she is
(as are most of my peers)
then i have to remind them that i live in canada
that i study theatre not celebrity stalking.

maybe these people need to get out more
realize that there are many more actors
and many wonderful theatres to go see

or not. just go back to your movie. can't blame me for trying...

1 comment:

mtlanglo said...

movies, movies, movies- i have to say they are more reliably passable as art than most independant legitimate theatre i've seen- especially in english, especially in montreal.

I think the talent pool en anglais is so tiny here that a lot of horribly written crap is presented just to get grants to keep places like the Centaur open so the Westmount tea and crumpets set have somewhere to re-live their former glory- the Rosemount elite heads over to the Saydie Bronf cntr- and they all watch the same 30 plays over and over....

And kill me if i see another play at the fringe about coming out of the closet in some humourous yet touching way. Really, stab me in the eyes...