Sunday, April 03, 2005


if there is a god
please please let him give me the strength i need to delete snood
failing that
can someone come over and delete snood for me?
it is sucking my soul
i cannot do anything any more
but play this game
and listen to dj shadow
and think about all the other things i could be doing instead
that i am fairly sure would be more productive than playing this cursed game
i close my eyes
i see their little faces
lined up in rows
purple ones talk to me
red ones scare me
please please
i need an exorcism
of snood
it has posessed me
does the catholic church still do exorcisms?
the pope died
will the church go on???
does it really matter??
someone please
please help me

if anyone out there
has my ailment
please help
if you are one of the lucky ones
do not
i repeat do not
download this game

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