Friday, January 28, 2005

Most Fucked-up Moments of the Month Awards

january... oh january... bleak, cold and ever so random.

moment that proves my secret-ninja status: missing a bus, running to the metro, flying into the metro car, getting off one stop later, running up escalators and then hopping on that bastard bus.

most imaginitative moment: seeing a swedish-looking young male who looked like a noble(young)man that just stepped out of England, circa 1903. he was so proper and so dignified, i thought surely, he doesn't exist. my "it's a ghost!" theory was proven by the fact that the only other person on the bus who seemed to notice this very noticeable human being was the crazy bag/scarf lady (token crazy-public-transit-character). only crazy people see ghosts...

best anglo moment: after realizing that i have been getting hit on in french for twenty minutes, and that my polite smiling and nodidng was not working in my favour, i leaned over to him and said loudly "I CANNOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING YOU ARE SAYING". then i smiled and turned back to my beer.

weakest moment:
lying on my bathroom floor wrapped in a blanket cursing pregnancy while two kittens walk all over me purring like nothing is wrong.

most embarressing moment: momentairily forgetting that one must knock before entering someone else's home... so i quickly closed the door and returned to my proper "knock-and-wait" as if nothing socially unacceptable happened.

most humbling moment: learning first-hand that i can make babies

most anti-climactic moment: deciding to get an abortion thus ending my "most humbling moment"

most decidedly "me" moment: getting kicked out of the library for talking with my friend about how kinky libraries are. security said "i was distracting the other students"... since when were universities a place for censorship? besides, i bet 10$ that the other students were thinking the same thing...

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

what's the matter montreal?

I was about to post about my ongoing love affair with Montreal when I heard about the recent gay-bashing that happened last Friday afternoon. Montreal is one of, if not the most diverse city in Canada. I, and I'm sure many others, believed that gay-bashing was a thing of the past, especially here in Montreal. It's a sad day when we are proved wrong.

  • ol' fashioned kiss-in

  • Friday, January 21, 2005

    No longer a wimp

    I sang last night. I enetered the safe haven of my performance class and I sang. I got over my fears of sounding like a dying bird and sang. Then of course, I cried, which quite frankly is the most logical thing to do after any action.

    I can go deep and raspy and sound like a jazz singer from 1943. I can go high and flirty and sound like a Supreme. This is actually no joke because I was singing with two other girls and our workshop leader told us to start doing these classic back-up singer moves. It was really something.

    It was intense finally doing what I have always wanted to do. Singing gets out so much more emotion then just speaking does. I am so used to taking phrases and even just bare sylables and making them come alive. When you sing, it takes those sylables and makes them fly. Your body becomes this vessel for releasing sound. Everypart of you is vibrating with sound, from the inside out. You can feel your voice resonating in your bones.

    Once you get in there, once you get past your throat and down into oyour core, you release so much shit. You release everything that has been holding you back and you sing it out. Once you're in, you don't stop digging for more. You play with colours that soar out on your voice, you discover your range, you learn how full and rich your voice gets when you let it all go. Your voice takes over and your mind is free to wander and bring new things to your song.

    Each member of our group would break out of the song and speak a section of a beautiful poem called "Letting Go". The rest of the group would continue to sign softly and support the one who speaks. We each said our part about 5 times, each of us finding more and more within the text. Before I spoke for the last time, I was crying as I was singing. I was so moved by the words that my peers released. When it came time to speak, I found that there was so much within myself that needed to get out through these words. I had no desire to use any words but the ones that were given, even though the immense amount of pain and joy and desperation and hope seemed to large for the poem.

    Serge, the workshop leader, came over to me when I was done and put his arm around me and guided me into song, using those same words. As soon as he melted away from me, I stopped frozen, unable to continue. I looked at him and felt more helpless than ever. He nodded and encouraged me to go on and the groups voices swelled in support. They reached this crescendo to help me, to give me strength.

    So I slipped back and forth inbetween song and speech. It was as if the group allowed me to perch ontop of their voices when I sung. When I spoke they sung to egg me on, to get me back to where I was.

    When I finished I felt the need to collapse, to melt into the floor. A few minutes later, I found myself singing, crying. I was trying to keep it in, I was afraid of it. I had no idea where it came from, I had no idea how much of it was there. I began to feel heavy. I felt like I had gone too far. Is it healthy to reach down inside and rip yourself apart and throw it to other people?

    My regular professor crouched down in front of me and said "let it go". So I did. I stood there singing my support, crying. It was pain that I have never felt before. It was internal. All pain I have ever felt was caused externally. This is was about the deepest parts of myself. What makes me human. It was bigger than the love I have felt in my life, the anger or the sorrow. It was pain of releasing what gives me substance.

    Serge said "la fin" and I stood more rooted to the ground than I have ever been before. I bent over under the weight of my emotion and I cried. I wanted to scream. I wanted to howl. But my fears came flooding back when I stopped singing, when I could no longer hear the voices of the group. I held it in.

    There is still a hell of alot more in there. I want to find out what it is. I don't even know if that's good for me, or if it's even possible. But I feel like I only scratched the surface. All I did was open up possibilties.

    I hope I will always know how to sing.

    Tuesday, January 18, 2005

    Preggie Diary

    I figure if I don't write my current state of insanity down, I will never remember what it's like to be briefly pregnant.

    1. When I found out, I sat down with a glass of wine and a cigarette.
    2. I misread a pregnancy test I did back in December. That was hint #476 that I shouldn't have children.
    3. If you are rude, you risk being choked to death.
    4. If you are nice, you have to deal with me crying and hugging you blubbering about "how wonderful it is to have a friend like you."
    5. Napping is crucial to my survival.
    6. It may be -40 outside but goddammit it is hot as balls here.
    7. Doritos taste like sandpaper. In fact, they ARE sandpaper.
    8. I can't cook. I made this soggy, salty bulghur wheat and feta cheese "dish" and ate it all because I thought it tasted good.
    9. My personal space is sacred right now. Invaders will be attacked.
    10. I cried because I dropped my salad.
    11. Noone can mess with a prego. If some asshole elbows me out of the way getting on the metro, he doesn't stand a chance... I am trained to speak hella loud and I know how to say pregnant in french.
    12. If I'm grumpy or nauseous, I need food. Don't get in my way because I might throw a temper tantrum. Don't offer me any of your food. It will taste like socks.
    13. Rational thought is pointless. I am running on autopilot right now. Instincts and biology are the only things leading me. Logic no longer applies. It makes perfect sense.
    14. I was caught listening to Coldplay. My boyfriend found me in a pile of slightly damp, freshly washed, mismatched socks, crying. All I remember was him picking me up saying "What the hell were you thinking listening to Coldplay?" "I WAS PUTTING AWAY MY LAUNDRY" was my illogical, irrational, instictual response. Conclusion: Coldplay is now bad for my soul.
    15. Other people's problems are so deliciously trivial. The fact that bears are waking up from hibernation in Russia is delightfully funny.
    Warning: I may be a little blunt and melodramatic. I may experience a moodswing or two. I am going to have a cigarette, I am going to have a cup of coffee and then maybe a glass of wine. It makes me feel normal so fuck off.

    Friday, January 14, 2005

    Oh my God, I think aliens have abducted me. I’m too petrified to open my eyes and see what they have done to my body. My whole body aches. It must be the thousands of pins shoved in my muscles. I saw that once on TV. It was an exposé of alien abductees. I can’t believe this is actually happening to me. I’m usually so boring but this will change everything. At school I won’t just be the freak with the piercings; I will be the freak with the piercings who was kidnapped by intergalactic organisms! Maybe I’m still dreaming and this is a horrible nightmare. Wake up, wake up, wake up.

    Shit, we’re moving. I hope they are taking me back home because the spin of the ship is making me nauseous. My head can’t seem to move, so if I vomit, it will be on myself. Hopefully this will pass. I don’t want some three-fingered, scaly, green hand poking through my puke.

    My head really hurts. I mean really hurts. Oh no, I bet it’s because of an internal monitoring system attached to the back of my skull! I bet I have at this moment a freaking hole in the back of my head. This is a violation of my rights as a human being. I wonder if international law applies to interplanetary issues.


    Something just tried to communicate with me. This is unbelievable! It came from my right side and it was right beside my ear. I’ll just pretend to be asleep, that way maybe they will get bored and send me home.

    “Ny... Julie? Kainaimovovapees?”

    Well, that didn’t work. I can’t fake being asleep because they are monitoring my brain. Good thing they nabbed me: Einstein of the twenty-first century. I should stop being so scared and just look at them. After all, if I never make it home again, at least I will have some visuals during my last moments.

    Uh-oh, my eyelashes are glued shut. It must be some sort of intergalactic prank. Disorient the subject by removing all sense of time. Just leave bright white lights on full blast to annoy her. It’s working quite well. The light that is somehow seeping through my eyelids is only intensifying my headache. Wait a minute, I think I am ungluing one. Yes! I have vison on my right side. Not very good vision, but I am not picky. I can move my head now too!

    The alien is right beside me. From what I can make out, it’s hairy and is excreting a raunchy smell. Kind of like stale beer and cigarettes. My vision is getting better by the second and its features are looking human-like. Actually, quite ape-like.

    Oh my God. It’s not an alien. It’s my boyfriend, Steve. They’ve got him too! Couldn’t they have just taken him?

    Oh my God. I’m not on a ship. I’m in my bedroom. And obviously crazy. And severely nauseous.
    Aha! By Jove, I think I’ve got it! Clearly, I am hung over.

    “Julie. Move over.” The previously undecipherable language was in fact Steve’s lovely morning voice. Good morning to you too, asshole.

    I force my body into cooperation and I stumble in the vague direction of a toilet.
    No wonder I have so many bruises. The thousand watt bulbs in my bathroom sear into my eyeballs and blind me. I am the first ever ugly newborn kitten. I struggle to see but I can't help but hit anything and everything in my path.

    I would like to say thanks to whoever invented running tap water. It is so amazing. Every drop kisses my face. I would like to say a ‘fuck you’ to whoever invented mirrors. I am revolting. I look like a stoned drag queen.

    My new look should scare Steve out of my house. My so-called love of my life crashes here every time he gets drunk. Once he wakes up, he’s angry and blames me for not taking him home. I should invest in a video camera so that he will see what an impossibly stubborn drunk he is.

    “Steve. Get up.” No movement. Maybe he’s dead. “Steve. Get the hell out of bed.”

    “Jesus Christ Jules, I’m up.”

    “You weren’t last night.” Oh no. I think I said that out loud. Damn it, I did. Last night’s events begin to resurface and they are making me sick again.

    The beast is moving. At least I got him out of bed.

    “Screw you, Julie.” I could barrage him with insulting comments right now, but I think I will save my breath for worthy causes.

    As awful mornings are with Steve, there is something so comical about the way he gets up. He has to fight with the blankets, then he swears at his pants when they won’t put themselves on.

    I follow him downstairs once he’s located all his belongings to be greeted by my adoring family. Gosh mornings are so great. The whole bunch of us get to interact with each other in one room.

    “Bye Steve.” I love how my mother tries so hard to like him. She smiles at him, she makes him food, she even says good bye to the slamming door. I know she hates him. I do too.

    I sit down at the table and try to massage coherent thoughts back into my skull.

    “Hung over are we?”

    “Shut up, Sam.” Meet my brother. Loud, nasal and obnoxious. Put on this world to give me a sneak preview of hell.

    A steaming plate of bacon, toast, hash browns and eggs are plunked down under my face. Nothing like grease on a morning like this. The yolks of my eggs are breaking free and are trying to drown my bacon. Little brown crisps floating in yellow death. My hash browns are begging to be smushed with my fork. I will crush them like unsuspecting ants. I AM THE BRINGER OF CRUSHING DEATH!

    I think my mother is glaring again. Yup, and she is ever so happy to meet my glance.

    “Julia, what in the Lord’s name were you doing until five in the morning?”
    If I could remember, I would tell her.

    “Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know the details of your reckless behaviour.”

    Wow, that was easy. My mother’s questioning periods usually last much longer. Thank God Dad is nothing like her. He doesn’t care what I do outside of the house. He is just happy when I’m home. Which is strange when you think about the fact that he is rarely home himself.

    “Dad, did you watch the game last night?”


    “Oh. I thought you would. You were talking about it all week.”

    “Things came up, Jules.”

    Things. Riiiight. Things. Here’s my cue to smile and nod.

    “What things?” My mother has that tone of voice again. The one that makes our dog scamper out of the room. “Well? What things came up last night, Jeff?” Now I know why she let me off the hook. She’s mad again because Dad wasn’t home last night.

    “Work issues, sweetie.” I have just been blinded by the glare off my Dad’s teeth, bared in a classic game-show smile.

    “I’m going to Irwin’s house.” With that, Sam, otherwise known as Geekboy, is rocketing out of his chair to dilligently scrape his wasted food into the garbage.

    I prefer to call ‘Irwin’ by his full name: Irwin Elman. It seems much more fitting.

    Irwin Elman is our next-door neighbour whom I suspect is engaging in a love affair with my brother. All under the nose of my unsuspecting mother who considers herself to be very close friends with Irwin Elman. Sam “talks” for hours on end with this man who slightly resembles George Clooney. Whenever I ask Sam about his rendez-vous with Irwin Elman, he blushes and tells me to ‘fuck off’. Personally, I think that is a great way to have your first sexual relationship. The man is very good looking and possesses years and years and years of experience. I have even told Sam this. However, it only increased his overall resentment of my blunt and truthful personality.

    “Tell Irwin I say hello.” Oh God, her naivety is nauseating. Or it could be the bacon. “Irwin is such a nice man. Jeff, you should really think about acting a little more like Irwin. He actually listens to me.”

    “Are you saying I don’t?” The door slams behind Sam adding to the tension of their conversation. This almost makes me want to hang around here more often. This is quite entertaining.

    Some Fun Stats

    One would expect something of this sort from a website whose logo is a perversed caution sign with a raver dancing in fat pants. Here are some real gems courtesy of Dancesafe.

    You have as much chance dying from LSD or Viagra as you do falling out of bed.

    Pot will kill you at the same rate as sex will. Nuclear radiation is on the same level too, but really, that depends on where you live. And what kind of sex you have.

    Caffeine, Ketamine, Masturbation, Bubonic Plague, Cats and Spontaneous Combustion all have the same probablity of killing you: 1 in 100 million.

    MDMA is on the same level as AIDS. This level, oddly enough, also includes the contraceptive pill and guns. Ah yes, ladies, taking the pill everyday is like... swallowing a gun?

    I have lots of problems with this chart because it says things like "giving birth (overall)". What the hell does that mean? Overall as opposed to what? Only half the cases? Only horse births?

    Also, suicides and homicides are on the list. Suicides and homicides mean somebody died, no ifs ands or buts. That would be a 1 in 1 chance of dying, not 1 in 10 000 like this helpful chart states.

    Thank you Information Superhighway for bringing this POC to my attention.

    Tuesday, January 04, 2005

    The first edition of "How To...?"

    #1: How To Read Your Readings*

    1. Obtain a course syllabus and don't read it.
    2. Find the syllabus in your filing cabinet (aka purse or knapsack) and have a heart attack because you have to read 100 pages about how theatre is really a science (in disguise or costume, of course) for tomorrow.
    3. Dash to the library to get there 15 minutes before it closes.
    4. Plead with librarian to go find a book that is not where it is supposed to be and cry that if she doesn't help you, you will expire right here in this very spot 5 minutes before closing and then the evil students who put theatre books with mathematical reference material will have won and it would be all her fault.
    5. Pay the fines from last semester and take your beloved bullshit book home to read.
    6. Don't read it. Flip through a few pages on the bus, at the most.
    7. Get home, make some tea, talk to your roommate, check your email, get something to eat (I recommend last nights rice reheated in the microwave with a dash of curry), smoke, check your email, talk to your roommate, tell your roommate to get out of the room because you have to read, and then do nothing for 10 minutes. Except for smoke and drink more tea. If you are out of smokes, go find that handy dandy roommate of yours. But basically, keep doing nothing.
    8. Go to bed.
    9. Wake up before class, not giving two flying fucks (because goddammit fucks really do fly) that you didn't do a damn thing because you are going to probably get a B in that class anyways.

    Next edition... How to sit through three 4 hour lectures a week.

    *As completely redundant that is, there is no other way to put it. "Readings" is a noun. What the fuck else is there to do with "readings" except read?

    I invoke the powers of free speech and I say...

    To the badly dressed girl in my Theatre History class:
    "Stop whining, this is university, honey. If you are in the least bit shocked at the amount of reading we have to do, get the fuck out of this class right now. If you think that people will listen to you, you are so wrong. I have assembled a team of proffessionally bitter first-years who eat girls like you for breakfast. We sat in the front row because we were sick of having morons in our sightlines. "

    To "Steve" from the bookstore:
    "Where were you today man? I needed you! There are 50 people in one of my classes and only 9 books where ordered! How the HELL am I supposed to show up the badly dressed loudmouth if I haven't done my readings??"

    To my neighbours downstairs:
    "Yes, I will play ACDC in the morning. Yes, I will dance around to top 40 "rap" songs because they are fun. Yes, I will play this new dnb track really fucking loud because I love it. And then, I will call the cops on YOUR ass and tell them that your loud opera music is impeding me from rocking out. There will be NO mezzosopranos in this building."

    To the university admissions department:
    "WTF? Were you guys asleep last March? We have a serious problem here. You see, I assumed that university had some sort of weeding out process. I got an ego boost when I got into schools. Now all it is, is a stinging insult."

    To Keith Richards:
    "Clearly all the drugs you have ingested have had a preservation effect."

    To my friends:
    "We are all very strange. Stranger than any of us will ever comprehend. Our bizarre identification to Twin Peaks explains it all."

    Monday, January 03, 2005

    i feel like one of those rap guys' girlfriends when i wear my new puffy white coat

    i feel like an old hag when i sit on my couch, chainsmoking under a quilt while reading a cookbook

    i feel like a sixteen year old when i lie to my mother

    i feel like a domesticated housewife when i clean up after my... man?

    i feel like an over eager child when i decide to create art

    i feel like a delusional and naive adult when i complete my art

    i feel like a woman in the shower

    i feel like a little girl in the bath

    i feel like a sexy bitch when i am all alone

    i feel like a lazy ass when i am late for class