Tuesday, January 31, 2006

"Anglo McAngloville"

Today I laughed a whole lot. Which is good, considering I spent last night surrounded by white skaters doing hiphop and grafitti who then call themselves underground because that's their fucking tag and their names on xvi are retarded quasi poetic plays on words which reveal their vain efforts to sound like an intellectual when, in all reality, they are just stoned, filthy bums who lost too many brian cells because of aerosol cans. Last night was no laughing matter.

Here's the funny of the day:
In the Eponym, my riding of Westmount-Ville-Marie was described as "That Place Andre Boisclair Wishes Would Be Annexed By Ontario."

Too fucking hilarious. Those wiggers wish they were that witty. Maybe if we ripped them away from their turntables long enough, they might have a chance.

I am not supporting the use of xvi.com by mentioning it here. It is an awful cesspool of so-called Ottawa scenesters and speed-addicted candy ravers who still believe that happy hard core is good music. Nor do I mean to offend the author of the Eponym by comparing him to the lame asses I was subjected to last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck Art.