Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Up yours, Fate!!!


My kidney has rejected me. It has left the rest of my body in a shaking, sweating, feverish, vomiting heap on the floor. And I'm supposed to be in a show. I should be in class. I should be at work. Instead, I am goo. Well, I was goo. I'm a bit better now. The friendly staff at my local ER took care of that. But I'm still not anywhere near healthy.

I quit my job. And I'm starting to wonder if the gods are trying to tell me not to go to school.

The first time I tried, I had knee surgery and then broke my leg and had to back in for surgery. So being crippled, I decided to postpone university for another year.

Then during my first semester, I couldn't handle the stress of having a boyfriend who needed a mother more than a girlfriend, ontop all the other crazy life stresses. Second semester I had the infamous abortion.

School was next to impossible, but I squeaked through with decent grades and salvaged relationships with my profs.

But a fucking kidney infection during the first week of October? Come on. This is getting tiresome. I'll get through the rest of the semester but I swear, if next January, some other crisis comes my way, I'm taking it as a sign and skipping town.

Skippy is what I named my evil twin. Skippy is the root and answer to all of my life's issues. Problem? Skippy says, "Skip over it!" Enjoying something? Skippy says, "Skip to the next best thing!" I might have to give Skippy some free rein if another convienently timed problem arises. I am not even enjoying school anyways.

Let's blame the disjointed feel of this post on the fact that I'm popping Gravol like candy and in a bizarre twist of events, I'm not sleeping at all. Without Gravol, I can sleep like a cat. With Gravol, I usually become comatose. I think they should just take this fucking kidney and be done with it. I have a spare. I'll be just fine.


Anonymous said...

You poor thing *kisses*
I have some killer sleeping pills if you need some help falling asleep.. or getting high.

*pops one like candy*

Anonymous said...

I call mine 'bitey' and he understand that there's no such thing as no problems.

Get ready.