Saturday, July 30, 2005

okay what do i have to say

i meet a whole lot of people in one night
do they really mean anything to me?
tonight i lead some guy on,
and he buys me drinks,
and spends 300$ on his friends
and tips me 100$,
and then asks me out for dinner...
i say no.
he was insignificant to me.

the table that was significant was a couple...
or rather,
a first date couple.

bless those fools who think that their first DATE will work out well.

it's why i don't date and i choose to "see".

there is a difference.


this couple was hilarious.

an unwed, ex-club-ho/faux-intellect paired with an arrogant self-absorbed know-it-all.

i laughed at all his corny jokes and tried to make it seem like her man-du-soir was the wittiest person to walk the face of the earth. after all, it was he who would no likely pick up the bill. and if his lady likes him, he will like his lady and also like his lady-waitress.

in my 20 (almost 21... gasp) years of experience, if there is one thing i have learned, it is that men will think they are gods to women if there is at least one girl who likes them.

it's a fact.

how do these become facts anyways?

fuck it. it's my goddamn fact.

i adore my job. absolutely love it. i may be the only anglophone, i may be the youngest, but dammit, everyone loves me. and i return the love three times over.

the END.

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