they don't call me queenprocrastinate fer nuttin
it's official
it's too blasting hot.
i am supposed to be packing but i can't
i do two boxes and then my arms start sticking to my sides and i become afraid to move my legs lest i rip the skin off my inner thighs
im not a fucking barbie doll folks
my thighs meet and say hi all the fucking time
and when its hotter than hell they really get to know each other
this aint purdy
i finally got a hold of my asshole landlord who told me that i can move the morning of july first
so i was elated and ran downstairs to rub it in my friendly neighbourly assholes' faces
and they freaked right out at me
apparently they had some 'appointment' to move at 6am that morning
but i don't know what the fuck they meant
why they would need to hire a moving crew to move up ONE flight of stairs is beyond me
i get fucking priority cuz i have to move down 4 flights of stairs and then across town
and my parents are going to be here
and if the assholes have learned anything, it is that they can't win with me
and if i have learned anything, it is that my parents are tougher than me
so bring it on
i am gearing up for a fullout rumble at dawn next friday
cote-des-neiges style.
nigguh wut? i won. that's right. i won yet again.
send the cops for a noise complaint? they leave smiling and laughing and i get no ticket at all.
send the landlords after me? they gossip with me about crazy tenants.
i win.
and if anyone has a windows xp cd lying around, send it my way. i want my music back. im so sick of these crappy house mixes i play off the internet cuz this laptop sucks and can't handle a filesharing program.
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