Thursday, April 21, 2005

Blog Wars

Equation A: Drunk + MSN = bad jokes
Equation B: Bloggers + MSN = even cornier jokes
A + B = blog wars.
I think I win because not only do I know what |337 means, but I know how to type on MSN in a russian accent. And I just started off this post with a mathematical equation. And I am the Queen of Pancakes. I win.

mayor mc cheese says:

septima says:

mayor mc cheese says:
hows the work comin?

septima says:

mayor mc cheese says:
i hope it hasnt been mind bending

septima says:

septima says:
i just did the performance of my year tonight

septima says:
it was a character who relives her gangraper

septima says:
no r there...

septima says:
im drunk

septima says:
she goes to a dance, gets gangraped and then tells the audience about it

septima says:
it was the most emotionally draining piece i have ever done. rehearsing yesterday nearly killed me. between the runs, i would demand a really funny story.

mayor mc cheese says:

mayor mc cheese says:
did you get a funny story???

septima says:
oh i got many

septima says:
now i only have one monologue tomorrow (its me onstage tlaking about my life in a theatrical way) and then 2 scenes (really challenging... a crazy psychic and a russian chick) and one monologue (an 81 year old woman) on thursday

septima says:
i cannot belive my brain holds this much

septima says:
i underestimated the poor thing

mayor mc cheese says:
im always pretending to be russian but i dont have to do it for grades...

septima says:
haha i need help on my accent. it really really sucks

mayor mc cheese says:
your brain deserves a rest

mayor mc cheese says:
yeah its hard to do

mayor mc cheese says:
sometimes i sound romanian or slavic which is close but cigars are nill

septima says:

septima says:
yah im just going for "eastern european" and consistency

septima says:
at this point, i cannot be picky

mayor mc cheese says:
dah.. iss goud plhan dahrlink

mayor mc cheese says:
eastern bloc is still full of fire and vodka

mayor mc cheese says:
well i wish u luck

septima says:
hhahah that actually heps

septima says:

septima says:
jesus im drunk

septima says:

septima says:
i have to go to bed

septima says:
must act tomrrow at 10am

septima says:
will talk to you later dahlin

septima says:
i mean dahlink

mayor mc cheese says:
dah im surre you vill

septima says:
zank yuu

mayor mc cheese says:
sleep well and haf ghoud dreams darhlink

septima says:
or is it tank yuu

mayor mc cheese says:
dosvidanya butaska krupskaya

septima says:
haha seriously you can totally help me on this accent thign

septima says:
what are you doing wedesdany eveing?

mayor mc cheese says:
i haf no plahns

septima says:
do you haf plahns wit me?

septima says:
to halp me wit my rrussian ahcent?

septima says:
and drrink some vudka and beerrr?

mayor mc cheese says:
yah. i ken help you darhlink

mayor mc cheese says:
with anythink yu vant

septima says:
ooo how nice of yuu

septima says:
well i must get to ze bed

mayor mc cheese says:
well as gentleman of soviet russia it would be pleasure

septima says:
pearhapss we can do ze coknbuul?

mayor mc cheese says:
or de bar fly?

septima says:

septima says:
cahl me dahlink

mayor mc cheese says:
oh yess

mayor mc cheese says:
ill will give yu ring on eve of tomorrow

septima says:
i cahnnot belif that i cahn type in rrussian but i cahn not speak iht

mayor mc cheese says:

mayor mc cheese says:

mayor mc cheese says:
you get some rest darhlink and dream sweet dreams of moscow by moonlight dah?

septima says:

septima says:
gut night

mayor mc cheese says:
yu too

1 comment:

mtlanglo said...

LOL- he zeems vike a vrryy nice lad- i hope he vas knott too traumitized :)

ahhh vendsdaze...