Most Fucked-up Moments of the Month Awards
january... oh january... bleak, cold and ever so random.
moment that proves my secret-ninja status: missing a bus, running to the metro, flying into the metro car, getting off one stop later, running up escalators and then hopping on that bastard bus.
most imaginitative moment: seeing a swedish-looking young male who looked like a noble(young)man that just stepped out of England, circa 1903. he was so proper and so dignified, i thought surely, he doesn't exist. my "it's a ghost!" theory was proven by the fact that the only other person on the bus who seemed to notice this very noticeable human being was the crazy bag/scarf lady (token crazy-public-transit-character). only crazy people see ghosts...
best anglo moment: after realizing that i have been getting hit on in french for twenty minutes, and that my polite smiling and nodidng was not working in my favour, i leaned over to him and said loudly "I CANNOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING YOU ARE SAYING". then i smiled and turned back to my beer.
weakest moment: lying on my bathroom floor wrapped in a blanket cursing pregnancy while two kittens walk all over me purring like nothing is wrong.
most embarressing moment: momentairily forgetting that one must knock before entering someone else's home... so i quickly closed the door and returned to my proper "knock-and-wait" as if nothing socially unacceptable happened.
most humbling moment: learning first-hand that i can make babies
most anti-climactic moment: deciding to get an abortion thus ending my "most humbling moment"
most decidedly "me" moment: getting kicked out of the library for talking with my friend about how kinky libraries are. security said "i was distracting the other students"... since when were universities a place for censorship? besides, i bet 10$ that the other students were thinking the same thing...
1 comment:
the kittens are just waiting to pounce on the competition for your affection... attack of the killer kittens!
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